Development chart

Look at how MERITY is doing
Current price of the investment share as of 31. 08. 2024:0,11061 €
Cumulative performance over the period in %
6 months4.31
1 year8.43
2 yearsN/A
3 yearsN/A
5 yearsN/A
Since establishment10.61
Average annual performance over the period in %
2 yearsN/A
3 yearsN/A
5 yearsN/A
Since establishmentN/A

Historical price


Key data about MERITY

  • Our strategy is to identify and enter development projects at various stages. To sell them upon completion.
  • Investment horizon: 5 years
  • Minimum investment: CZK 1,000,000/approx. EUR 42,000 (equivalent of CZK 1,000,000)
  • Entrance fee: 3%
  • Exit fee: Because of its strategy, the fund will be closed for a period of 5 years from its establishment. The investor should thus consider the investment horizon very well because early withdrawal is not allowed, or only at a hefty exit fee.
  • Fund depository: UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s.
  • Fund auditor: KPMG Česká republika Audit, s.r.o.
  • Accumulation account number – CZK class 1388028177/2700
  • Accumulation account number – EUR class: 1388028185/2700
  • Date of establishment – CZK class: 1 March 2023
  • Date of establishment – EUR class: 1 March 2023
  • Management fee: 2%
  • ISIN – CZK class: CZ0008050226
  • ISIN – EUR class: CZ0008050218

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